Thursday, February 13, 2014

Trying This Again!

Here's the deal - I have tried blogging SO many times, but I never could get into the swing of things.  I would get so close and then just give up.  I would look at other blogs and say to myself, "Why can't I have a blog like this?"  The thing is - I can have a blog like theirs!

So here is my attempt at starting my own blog about my journey as a first year kindergarten teacher.


  1. Looks great so far. I have been thinking of starting a blog also. I may need some hints though on how to get started

  2. I will be your 2nd follower! I have been teaching on and off for 10 years, preschool-2nd grade. I am going to be a long term sub in a Kindergarten class starting next month. Look forward to your ideas!

  3. You got this!!! I remember thinking this when I first started blogging. It's so tough! But just do what's fun for you and you will enjoy it :)

  4. Welcome again to the blogging world! It is a wonderful place!

  5. Welcome! (back) :) No rules! Just enjoy it when it happens!

  6. You can do this!! It takes a long time, but stick with it- you won't be sorry!!

  7. Thank you for all of the encouraging words. I am going to try my best - I already have my second post ready to publish!

  8. Welcome back! It takes a lot of time to "get a blog like theirs"...but keep at it! And I love your blog design :)
    The Teacher’s Cauldron
